Sunday, 18 April 2010

Hallam Foe

Hallam Foe was an unusual film that it did garner any interest from me in its opening moments, however when it ended I was left wanting more. This was a bizarre coming of age story where Hallam (played by Jamie Bell), comes to terms with his mother’s death by stalking people, he takes particular interest in women and Kate (played by Sophia Myles) especially, who strongly resembles his mother. This is a film that has no clear story, but has a clear narrative and takes a glimpse at a short period of Hallam’s life that is pivotal and engaging. However the film takes far too much time to get going and runs the risk of people losing interest and not seeing it through to its end. The cast was this films biggest asset, with Bell and Myles putting in strong performances, and being supported by many familiar British faces. Bell is particularly strong when it comes to showing Hallam’s character development as he learns to deal with his issues and move on with his life. Of course Bell can’t take all the credit for this, and praise must be given to the screenplay, which was highly character driven. I would recommend you watch this film, but you will have to bear with it and watch it develop along with Hallam.

Score: 3.5/5

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